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Psychology audiobooks

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When Your Mind Screams by Christopher W Glatis
When Your Mind Screams
Christopher W Glatis
When Your Mind Screams by Christopher W Glatis

When Your Mind Screams

By: Christopher W Glatis

Narrated by: Christopher W Glatis

Length: 7 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

WHEN YOUR MIND SCREAMS: Finding Peace And Confidence In The Midst Of Anxiety - Self-Help Book For Anxiety - Anxiety Control Panic Attack Relief Book - Anxiety Books For Adults
"Anxiety is resistance. Plain and simple. Christopher Glatis' book will not coddle you. If you truly want to face your demons head-on, it will show you how to make anxiety... Read more

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Os Códigos do Mindset da Prosperidade by Pablo Marçal
Os Códigos do Mindset da Prosperidade
Pablo Marçal
Os Códigos do Mindset da Prosperidade by Pablo Marçal

Os Códigos do Mindset da Prosperidade

By: Pablo Marçal

Narrated by: Adriano de Luca

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Há quem pense que a prosperidade está ligada apenas em ganhar muito dinheiro. Prosperidade é seu crescimento não apenas nos negócios, mas sim como ser humano. Você já descobriu e ativou seu propósito na Terra? Mudar apenas não adianta, você precisa passar por uma metanoia, uma transformação. Se não cuida da própria vida, sairá do lugar e... Read more

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Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace by Morten Johnson
Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace
Morten Johnson
Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace by Morten Johnson

Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace

By: Morten Johnson

Narrated by: Ralph Mitchell

Length: 4 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Get on the Road to Success With This Guide That Will Help You Foster a Healthier and Happier Workplace - Uncover the Secret of Why the Biggest Companies Have a High Degree of EQ!In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environments, the success of organizations rests not only on the brilliance of their strategies, but also on the emotional... Read more

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Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged by Alex Kingsman
Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged
Alex Kingsman
Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged by Alex Kingsman

Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Jim Callahan

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Do you desire genuine connections and fulfilling relationships? Are you find yourself unintentionally sabotaging potential partnerships? Do you feel stuck and uncertain about how to start opening up?
Find out more in this workbook, written specifically for individuals with a dismissive avoidant attachment style!Attachment style researcher... Read more

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Anxious Attachment Recovery by Margaret Tacy
Anxious Attachment Recovery
Margaret Tacy
Anxious Attachment Recovery by Margaret Tacy

Anxious Attachment Recovery

By: Margaret Tacy

Narrated by: Krystina Bailey

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Does the fear of abandonment haunt you, even in the happiest moments? Have you tried to change, but the grip of anxiety and insecurity holds you back?Do you find yourself constantly anxious about your relationships?I know that pain, the silent battles waged within the walls of the mind, the echoes of doubt drowning out every whisper of... Read more

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How to Stop Being Toxic by Tom Stokes
How to Stop Being Toxic
Tom Stokes
How to Stop Being Toxic by Tom Stokes

How to Stop Being Toxic

By: Tom Stokes

Narrated by: Krystina Bailey

Length: 5 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of negativity, spreading the toxicity around like wildfire?Does any of these situations sound familiar?- Your toxicity has seeped into your personal relationships, causing tension, disagreements, and heartbreak.- The constant negativity is affecting your mental health, leading to anxiety, stress, and feelings... Read more

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Pérdida de un padre by Theresa Jackson
Pérdida de un padre
Theresa Jackson
Pérdida de un padre by Theresa Jackson

Pérdida de un padre

By: Theresa Jackson

Narrated by: Juan Ramirez

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Perdí a mi padre a finales de 2007, de un infarto. Dieciocho meses antes había sufrido un derrame cerebral debilitante que lo dejó como un vegetal virtual en una cama. Lenta y laboriosamente había luchado por recuperarse y estaba inmensamente feliz de estar vivo. Había llegado al punto de poder vivir una vida feliz y móvil, solo para perderse... Read more

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Perfectamente imperfectas by Laura Morán
Perfectamente imperfectas
Laura Morán
Perfectamente imperfectas by Laura Morán

Perfectamente imperfectas

By: Laura Morán

Narrated by: Pili Paneque

Length: 10 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Las claves de una pareja exitosa: confianza, comunicación y satisfacción Aunque nos han contado (y nos hemos creído) que el amor es eterno y que, como los protagonistas de los cuentos, «viviremos felices y comeremos perdices», lo cierto es que las relaciones de pareja son como todos los vínculos humanos: lazos que es necesario cuidar y no... Read more

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The Practice of Presence by Patty de Llosa
The Practice of Presence
Patty de Llosa
The Practice of Presence by Patty de Llosa

The Practice of Presence

By: Patty de Llosa

Narrated by: Patty de Llosa

Length: 11 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Listen as Patty de Llosa takes us on a journey of discovery through mind, body and spirit, encouraging us to practice presence. Each of the five spiritual paths she explores can lead to a more authentic, extraordinary life of daily awareness. You'll discover practical guidance on how to seek daily what we truly desire behind all the urgencies... Read more

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Ayer, hoy y mañana by Oslos Molina
Ayer, hoy y mañana
Oslos Molina
Ayer, hoy y mañana by Oslos Molina

Ayer, hoy y mañana

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

El pasado está escrito con todas aquellas vivencias que nos han traído aquí y ahora, a este lugar y de esta manera. Es un baúl lleno de experiencias buenas y malas, de decisiones erróneas y afortunadas, de tristezas y alegrías y personas que entraron y salieron de nuestra vida. Read more

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Dialed In by Dana Sinclair
Dialed In
Dana Sinclair
Dialed In by Dana Sinclair

Dialed In

By: Dana Sinclair

Narrated by: Eunice Wong

Length: 7 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

For readers of Atomic Habits and Grit, a top performance psychologist, who has coached elite athletes, surgeons, and business leaders, shares her proven plan to getting the best results when the pressure is on.

What do a major league baseball catcher struggling with pop ups, an operating room doctor tense before a surgery, and a slumping... Read more

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Het no-nonsense slaapboek by Steven Laureys
Het no-nonsense slaapboek
Steven Laureys
Het no-nonsense slaapboek by Steven Laureys

Het no-nonsense slaapboek

By: Steven Laureys

Narrated by: Louis van Beek

Length: 7 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

'Dit boek zal je nachten voorgoed veranderen.' - Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus, hoofd Slaaplabo, Universiteit van Salzburg De slaap is wellicht de spannendste fase waarin ons brein zich kan bevinden. Maar waarom slapen we? En wellicht nog belangrijker: waarom slagen we er soms niét in te slapen? Wereldvermaard professor neurologie Steven Laureys... Read more

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Modern Hypnosis by ANTONIO JAIMEZ
Modern Hypnosis
Modern Hypnosis by ANTONIO JAIMEZ

Modern Hypnosis



Length: 4 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the transformative power of modern hypnosis and how it can change your life.Do you feel trapped in negative thought and behavior patterns? Have you tried other hypnosis methods and books without getting the desired results? If you identify with these situations, it is possible that the real problem has not been adequately addressed:... Read more

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The Solutionary Way by Zoe Weil
The Solutionary Way
Zoe Weil
The Solutionary Way by Zoe Weil

The Solutionary Way

By: Zoe Weil

Narrated by: Zoe Weil

Length: 6 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Forges a path away from polarization toward ethical problem solving and a more humane, equitable, and healthy society Deep polarization in our society often prevents us from working collaboratively to solve the problems we face. Based on Zoe Weil's decades of work as a humane educator, The Solutionary Way offers an antidote to dysfunctional... Read more

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La depresión tiene cura by João Climaco Cabral
La depresión tiene cura
João Climaco Cabral
La depresión tiene cura by João Climaco Cabral

La depresión tiene cura

By: João Climaco Cabral

Narrated by: Sila Guiance

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Considerada la enfermedad del siglo, la depresión es un mal que ha llevado a muchas personas a la desesperación. Sin embargo, mediante ejercicios diarios durante largos años de trabajo y en sesiones tanto individuales como grupales, João Cabral demuestra que la depresión tiene cura. Para ello, es preciso trabajar sobre la autoestima y el... Read more

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La alegría de vivir en pareja by René J. Trossero
La alegría de vivir en pareja
René J. Trossero
La alegría de vivir en pareja by René J. Trossero

La alegría de vivir en pareja

By: René J. Trossero

Narrated by: Ana Luisa

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

En estas primeras páginas me propongo descubrir ante sus ojos, realista y un tanto poéticamente, la hermosa aventura de convivir amándose en pareja. No desconozco la dura y penosa realidad de muchos intentos de parejas fracasados. Pero eso no me impide ver a muchos esposos, gozando de la inefable ALEGRÍA de convivir amándose fielmente.

Este... Read more

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El amor: La cura de las enfermedades emocionales by Oslos Molina
El amor: La cura de las enfermedades emocionales
Oslos Molina
El amor: La cura de las enfermedades emocionales by Oslos Molina

El amor: La cura de las enfermedades emocionales

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Los vínculos afectivos que tenemos con nuestra pareja, amigos y familiares, mejoran la presión arterial, lo que ayuda a reducir los niveles de ansiedad, estrés y depresión, conocidos como “factores psicológicos del riesgo”. Read more

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El temor by Oslos Molina
El temor
Oslos Molina
El temor by Oslos Molina

El temor

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Como temor se denomina el sentimiento de inquietud o angustia que impulsa a huir o evitar aquello que se considera dañoso, arriesgado o peligroso. La palabra, como tal, proviene del latín timortimōris, que significa ‘miedo’ o ‘espanto’.En este sentido, el temor también puede asociarse a las sospechas o recelo que nos despiertan aquellas cosas... Read more

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Men with Adult ADHD

Men with Adult ADHD


Narrated by: Studio Hypnosis & Creative Studio Publishing

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you grappling with the challenges of ADHD, feeling overwhelmed by organizational issues, strained relationships, and difficulty in managing time and learning? 😓 It might seem like the world is closing in on you, but fear not – this is not the end; it's a promising new beginning! 🌟ADHD affects around 2.8% of adults globally, reaching 5% in... Read more

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Raus aus Schema F by Gitta Jacob
Raus aus Schema F
Gitta Jacob
Raus aus Schema F by Gitta Jacob

Raus aus Schema F

By: Gitta Jacob

Narrated by: Madeleine Coco Sanders

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Verunsichert. Bockig. Auf dem Rückzug. Wir alle haben Denk- und Verhaltensweisen, die uns stören oder gar schaden. Wenn wir im Leben immer wieder in dieselben Fallen tappen, liegt das daran, dass wir unbewussten Mustern folgen: dem ängstlichen oder zornigen Kind in uns – oder dem strengen Richter, der mit Strafen und Liebesentzug droht.
Die... Read more

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EMPOWERING WOMEN WITH ADULT ADHD: Navigating a World Not Designed for Us! by Michelle Saline
EMPOWERING WOMEN WITH ADULT ADHD: Navigating a World Not Designed for Us!
Michelle Saline
EMPOWERING WOMEN WITH ADULT ADHD: Navigating a World Not Designed for Us! by Michelle Saline

EMPOWERING WOMEN WITH ADULT ADHD: Navigating a World Not Designed for Us!

By: Michelle Saline

Narrated by: Ashley Cambpell & X-Sound Studio

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you looking for reliable information on how a woman can develop a focused mind, cure anxiety in relationships, embrace neurodiversity and thrive with ADHD?Are you a woman who has been finding your daily life challenging because of your ADHD condition?Or do you know of a woman who has difficulties in her social life because of ADHD and you... Read more

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FINDING YOU by Shannon J. Curtis
Shannon J. Curtis
FINDING YOU by Shannon J. Curtis


By: Shannon J. Curtis

Narrated by: Vicki Joeva

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

This audio book, Finding You was written to reflect the ideal state of an individual. It present elements, tools and methodologies of the ideal healthy individual so that you can assess where you are, to support you to make the necessary steps towards improvement.The aim is to enable you to have a clearer picture in your mind of what health... Read more

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El abandono emocional by Oslos Molina
El abandono emocional
Oslos Molina
El abandono emocional by Oslos Molina

El abandono emocional

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Qué provoca el abandono emocional?Las experiencias de abandono nos pueden llevar a sentirnos inseguros en nuestras relaciones. Lo cual genera cambios en cómo las percibimos. Podemos comenzar a estar más alertas y vigilantes a la posibilidad del abandono de las personas a nuestro alrededor y a realizar conductas para que no se vuelva a dar. Read more

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Plus jamais stressé by Pierre Dubois
Plus jamais stressé
Pierre Dubois
Plus jamais stressé by Pierre Dubois

Plus jamais stressé

By: Pierre Dubois

Narrated by: Pierre Vavo

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Le stress est aujourd'hui la première cause de problèmes médicaux En France. L'anxiété ne fait qu'ajouter à ces problèmes. Mais vous n’avez plus à souffrir ! Nous avons les réponses que vous cherchez ! Dans ce livre audio, vous découvrirez des sujets sur la différence entre le stress et l'anxiété, comment reconnaître et gérer une crise de... Read more

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