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¿Por que no puedo olvidar a mi pareja si ya me dejo? by Oslos Molina
¿Por que no puedo olvidar a mi pareja si ya me dejo?
Oslos Molina
¿Por que no puedo olvidar a mi pareja si ya me dejo? by Oslos Molina

¿Por que no puedo olvidar a mi pareja si ya me dejo?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Cómo superar a tu ex siempre es algo doloroso y difícil de llevar;Por ejemplo, es de madrugada y aún no logras dormir. Mientras empiezas a pensar en la cama, te aparece su imagen aparece en tu mente, al igual como lo ha hecho los últimos días, semanas o incluso meses. Te domina la angustia, la sensación de soledad. La idea de que tu vida nunca... Read more

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El vacío existencial by Oslos Molina
El vacío existencial
Oslos Molina
El vacío existencial by Oslos Molina

El vacío existencial

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

La persona con vacío existencial se aburre con frecuencia, es pesimista y padece de apatía. No encuentra nada que le genera entusiasmo o que le provoque alegría: por el contrario, siente que no hay ningún objetivo que valga la pena.Es importante tener en cuenta que, en determinadas situaciones, es normal que un sujeto sienta un vacío. Eso... Read more

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The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Shame by Alexander L. Chapman, PhD, Rpysch & Kim L. Gratz, PhD
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Shame
Alexander L. Chapman, PhD, Rpysch & Kim L. Grat...
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Shame by Alexander L. Chapman, PhD, Rpysch & Kim L. Gratz, PhD

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Shame

By: Alexander L. Chapman, PhD, Rpysch & Kim L. Grat...

Narrated by: Daniel Henning

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Shame is a devastating emotion, and one that's often difficult to work through. If you are hurting, you should know that you aren't alone. Shame may be the result of a past trauma, feelings of insecurity, or even guilt. Shame can also spiral out of control, make you feel trapped and hopeless, and lead to more serious mental health issues. So,... Read more

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Calm Your Mind with Food by Uma Naidoo
Calm Your Mind with Food
Uma Naidoo
Calm Your Mind with Food by Uma Naidoo

Calm Your Mind with Food

By: Uma Naidoo

Narrated by: Deepti Gupta

Length: 8 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

A revolutionary full-body approach to relieving anxiety, from bestselling author and nutritional psychiatrist Uma Naidoo, MD

In this groundbreaking guide, Dr. Uma Naidoo presents cutting-edge research about the ways anxiety is rooted in the brain, gut, immune system, and metabolism. Drawing on the latest science on the connection between diet... Read more

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Unleash Your Dark Side by Michael Pace
Unleash Your Dark Side
Michael Pace
Unleash Your Dark Side by Michael Pace

Unleash Your Dark Side

By: Michael Pace

Narrated by: Jim D. Johnston & Omar Johnson

Length: 4 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a journey to power and self-mastery with "Unleash Your Dark Side: How to Effectively Utilize Dark Psychology Strategies to Kick Ass and Become the Ultimate Winner in Life." Michael Pace, the thought leader who ingrained 'Dark Psychology' into our societal lexicon, brings you a book that stands as a testament to the might of the mind... Read more

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13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do by Amy Morin
13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do
Amy Morin
13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do by Amy Morin

13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do

By: Amy Morin

Narrated by: Amy Morin

Length: 9 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

From the author of the internationally bestselling 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do series and preeminent psychotherapist Amy Morin, comes a guide for couples looking to develop mental strength together and sustain happier and healthier relationships.  When psychotherapist Amy Morin first introduced the world to the concept of mental... Read more

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Worrying Is Optional by Ben Eckstein, LCSW
Worrying Is Optional
Ben Eckstein, LCSW
Worrying Is Optional by Ben Eckstein, LCSW

Worrying Is Optional

By: Ben Eckstein, LCSW

Narrated by: Kyle Tait

Length: 5 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

We live in an increasingly uncertain world, and if you struggle with worry, you aren't alone. You should also know that there's nothing wrong with worry. Worry happens to all of us—and it can even be helpful at times. But excessive worrying—the kind that keeps us up at night, interferes with our thinking during the day, and hijacks our ability... Read more

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CBT At Work For Dummies by Gill Garratt
CBT At Work For Dummies
Gill Garratt
CBT At Work For Dummies by Gill Garratt

CBT At Work For Dummies

By: Gill Garratt

Narrated by: Gillian Burke

Length: 13 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Packed with useful tips that make it easy to incorporate CBT—Cognitive Behavioral Therapy—into your working day, CBT at Work For Dummies helps you reap the benefits of a more focused working life. You'll discover how integrating CBT at work promotes improved productivity and concentration, lower staff turnover, enhanced employer/employee and... Read more

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Setting Boundaries That Stick by Juliane Taylor Shore, LMFT
Setting Boundaries That Stick
Juliane Taylor Shore, LMFT
Setting Boundaries That Stick by Juliane Taylor Shore, LMFT

Setting Boundaries That Stick

By: Juliane Taylor Shore, LMFT

Narrated by: Daniela Acitelli

Length: 5 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you struggle to set boundaries with others in your life? Has your past conditioned you to expect pushback when setting boundaries, or caused you to give up on trying to set boundaries altogether? The prospect of setting boundaries can be scary and intimidating and can put you in a very vulnerable place where your mental health and wellbeing... Read more

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¿Como puedo cambiar mis ideas? by Oslos Molina
¿Como puedo cambiar mis ideas?
Oslos Molina
¿Como puedo cambiar mis ideas? by Oslos Molina

¿Como puedo cambiar mis ideas?

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Los pensamientos irracionales pueden combatirse a través de la terapia que Ellis desarrolló para modificar las creencias desadaptativas y reemplazarlas por creencias funcionales Read more

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Rebuilding Trust by Morgan Johnson MA, LPC
Rebuilding Trust
Morgan Johnson MA, LPC
Rebuilding Trust by Morgan Johnson MA, LPC

Rebuilding Trust

By: Morgan Johnson MA, LPC

Narrated by: Ann Sprinkle

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Of all the ways relationships fall apart, betrayal can rock us to the core. And yet, for couples or partners who want to stay together and do the work, healing is possible. The old relationships that no longer serve us can be dismantled and reassembled into deeper, stronger, more satisfying bonds than we ever imagined.

Rebuilding Trust features:

●... Read more

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The Art of Covert Persuasion by James T. Kent, Dan Crosby, Daniel Smith & William Legend
The Art of Covert Persuasion
James T. Kent, Dan Crosby, Daniel Smith & Willi...
The Art of Covert Persuasion by James T. Kent, Dan Crosby, Daniel Smith & William Legend

The Art of Covert Persuasion

By: James T. Kent, Dan Crosby, Daniel Smith & Willi...

Narrated by: Jim D. Johnston, Jennifer Howe, Doug Goodwin & ...

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Art of Covert Persuasion merges four seminal works into one comprehensive guide, providing an unparalleled exploration into the art of subtle influence and manipulation. This book is an essential resource for those who aspire to master the art of influencing others without their awareness.
Dan Crosby's "Psychological Triggers" sets the stage... Read more

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Психолог по переписке. Метод будущего в работе помогающего практика by Ирина Баржак & Юлия Пирумова
Психолог по переписке. Метод будущего в работе помогающего практика
Ирина Баржак & Юлия Пирумова
Психолог по переписке. Метод будущего в работе помогающего практика by Ирина Баржак & Юлия Пирумова

Психолог по переписке. Метод будущего в работе помогающего практика

By: Ирина Баржак & Юлия Пирумова

Narrated by: Ирина Баржак

Length: 7 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Книга расскажет о новом уникальном инструменте в работе психолога - письменном консультировании. Этот инструмент вызывает всё больше интереса среди психологов, а мэтры признают, что за ним будущее. Текстовое консультирование позволяет: - выстроить на нём всю практику или совмещать его с очными или онлайн-встречами; - занять своё место в... Read more

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The Art of Manipulation Super Series by John Mentory, Omar Johnson, Charlize Venter, Janice Presser & HT Wyatt
The Art of Manipulation Super Series
John Mentory, Omar Johnson, Charlize Venter, Ja...
The Art of Manipulation Super Series by John Mentory, Omar Johnson, Charlize Venter, Janice Presser & HT Wyatt

The Art of Manipulation Super Series

By: John Mentory, Omar Johnson, Charlize Venter, Ja...

Narrated by: Jim D. Johnston, Phillip Hubler, Jennifer Howe ...

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Venture into the shadowy realms of influence and control with "The Art of Manipulation Super Series," a powerful compilation that unites five riveting books into one definitive collection. This series is designed to unveil the subtle arts of emotional and psychological manipulation, equipping you with the knowledge to wield or withstand these... Read more

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The Human Psychology Bible by Alan G. Fields
The Human Psychology Bible
Alan G. Fields
The Human Psychology Bible by Alan G. Fields

The Human Psychology Bible

By: Alan G. Fields

Narrated by: Jim D. Johnston

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into the depths of the mind with "The Human Psychology Bible," a comprehensive two-part series that seeks to unravel the intricate tapestry of human behavior and thought. Authored by the insightful Alan G. Fields, this definitive compilation, featuring "Human Psychology 101" and its advanced counterpart "Human Psychology 202," offers a... Read more

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Психологія мас by Гюстав Лебон
Психологія мас
Гюстав Лебон
Психологія мас by Гюстав Лебон

Психологія мас

By: Гюстав Лебон

Narrated by: Артем Окороков

Length: 5 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

«Психологія мас» — друга частина фундаментальної праці Гюстава Лебона, написана в 1895 році, яка подає детальний аналіз психології широких мас (у даному випадку — натовпу), як найважливішого мотиву поведінки індивіда і причини історичних подій. Психологія натовпу стала розділом соціальної психології, який вивчає поведінку груп людей і... Read more

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Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mastery by James Ashley, Lance Pettiford, D.C. Johnson & Crystal Johnson
Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mastery
James Ashley, Lance Pettiford, D.C. Johnson & C...
Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mastery by James Ashley, Lance Pettiford, D.C. Johnson & Crystal Johnson

Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mastery

By: James Ashley, Lance Pettiford, D.C. Johnson & C...

Narrated by: Jim D. Johnston, Mysti Jording, Stacy Thomas, O...

Length: 8 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into the ultimate anthology of psychological mastery with "Cognitive & Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mastery." This formidable volume unifies four essential books into one comprehensive guide, providing a multi-faceted approach to conquering a myriad of mental health challenges.
Each section, derived from a distinct original work,... Read more

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Психологія народів by Гюстав Лебон
Психологія народів
Гюстав Лебон
Психологія народів by Гюстав Лебон

Психологія народів

By: Гюстав Лебон

Narrated by: Меланія

Length: 4 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Ґюстав Лебон — французький психолог, соціолог, антрополог та історик, публіцист, найбільше відомий як засновник соціальної психології і автор одного з перших варіантів доктрини «масового суспільства». Гюстав Ле Бон обстоював ідею расового детермінізму в розвитку цивілізації. Як фундамент соціальної еволюції він розглядав не розум, а... Read more

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C'est moi qui te laisse partir by Laure Olivier
C'est moi qui te laisse partir
Laure Olivier
C'est moi qui te laisse partir by Laure Olivier

C'est moi qui te laisse partir

By: Laure Olivier

Narrated by: Claire Augier

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Lâcher prise n'est pas un processus qui nous vient naturellement. Dans un monde qui nous apprend à nous accrocher à tout prix à ce que nous aimons, il existe un art indéniable de passer à autre chose, et c'est un art que nous réapprenons constamment. Dans cette série d'essais sincères et poignants, Laure Olivier explore la dure réalité de ce que... Read more

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Notes for Neuro Navigators by Jolene Stockman
Notes for Neuro Navigators
Jolene Stockman
Notes for Neuro Navigators by Jolene Stockman

Notes for Neuro Navigators

By: Jolene Stockman

Narrated by: Jolene Stockman

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

A guide for parents, friends, and carers working with autistic adults which explains how to world looks to autistic individuals and how others can best provide support.

"Being autistic is full-on, but being in the life of someone who is autistic? This can be epic, world-changing love."

In a world built for neurotypicals, how can you help autistic... Read more

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El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional
Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina

El dolor emocional

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

El dolor emocional es esa pequeña herida que tenemos y que sufrimos en nuestro interior y que si no curamos correctamente esa herida, nos puede provocar el padecer o sufrir una serie de alteraciones o trastornos a otros niveles de nuestro cuerpo. Read more

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Зигмунд Фройд


By: Зигмунд Фройд

Narrated by: Світлана Соколова

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Уявлення Фройда про свідоме і несвідоме, про сублімації, про динамічну психічну структуру особистості і мотиви людської поведінки, про значення дитячого емоційного досвіду в душевному житті дорослого, знайшли широке поширення в сучасній культурі а також клінічній практиці.  Зиґмунд Фройд висунув власну теорію. Суть її полягала в тому, що,... Read more

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Robert Musil: Über die Dummheit by Robert Musil
Robert Musil: Über die Dummheit
Robert Musil
Robert Musil: Über die Dummheit by Robert Musil

Robert Musil: Über die Dummheit

By: Robert Musil

Narrated by: Moritz Brendel

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Robert Musil: Über die Dummheit Ein Vortrag, gelesen von Moritz Brendel. Robert Musil hält seinen legendären Vortrag »Über die Dummheit« erstmals gehalten auf Einladung des österreichischen Werkbunds am 11. März 1937 in Wien – auf den Tag genau ein Jahr vor dem »Anschluss« Österreichs an Nazi-Deutschland. In seiner Rede formuliert er das... Read more

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La oveja extraviada by Oslos Molina
La oveja extraviada
Oslos Molina
La oveja extraviada by Oslos Molina

La oveja extraviada

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: No

La parábola de la oveja perdida fue objeto de variadas interpretaciones desde el cristianismo primitivo hasta el presente. Entre los significados más atribuidos y los matices más comentados destacan los siguientes. Read more

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